
Monday, November 20, 2017

26. MY 2017 THUS FAR

Wow I suck at keeping this blog alive and I would probably blame it on the fact that I am now a ~full fledged working adult~ lol who am I kidding? I had about 5-8 drafts of posts sitting around throughout the year and I know blogger is practically dead. It's like the hard-copy of books versus kindle nowadays.

Nonetheless, something came above me this one fine night and I decided to take a look at my old old blog from ac days to uni days and I read through some of the 200 posts++ that I had and boy, did it take me down memory lane. It doesn't feel that far a time ago and it didn't feel as though that many things had transpired in those years but every year, something happened, every day, every week and every month, significant instances made me who I am today and during that time, it was an integral part of me to blog/write/type about it even though sometimes, no one would be reading.

I am glad I did it. Though I vowed to never take a look or be reminded at my ex, looking through some of the posts, even those containing him - those of events, of trips overseas, of friendships (forged so strongly at that point in my life and now just a memory) - really made me feel slightly bittersweet. I also enjoyed reading through some of the posts and my cringe worthy self then.

I figured I'd better start once again, to write, to type and to post even though I am probably the only one going to be looking back on these in a year or so to reminisce.

So here goes..... ...

How do I sum up the past 11.5 months of 2017 in a single post? Lol what a feat I've set for myself.

I probably say it every year but damn this year has passed in a blink of an eye. And I truly believe that it has passed even faster than previous years. Could it have something to do with growing older? Perhaps it could do with spending almost every weekday in a enclosed jail (the office lol) and at the same time having to deal with adult things like paying the bill, running errands for your family, keeping up with your social life (or what's left of it) and with growing up, the harsher realities of life actually set in. You're tasked with responsibilities you never wanted. You're suddenly thrown into this dark abyss of coming to terms with horrid things - dealing with actual death in life... and sucking it up because you're 2_ years old now and can't just simply fall back onto whatever it was protecting you when you were 8 years old. 

Another thing that I use as a bench mark as to how fast the year has passed is watching my nephew grow. He turned ONE YEAR old on the 8th of Nov, 2017. Call me a pessimist or skeptic but you know how they say that a woman never wants kids until a certain point in her life when she interacts with one and suddenly all motherly instincts are amplified?? - I get that, when I assume nanny duties I cannot get over his chubby cheeks and how he finds happiness in the SIMPLEST of things that we all take for granted for after a certain point. But then I feel sad or angry (?) because he's going to grow up and have this innocence taken away from him. He's going to grow up and feel all the shit I as a kid, tween, teen, young adult went through and continue to experience. Then I wonder if it's really all that to bring to the world a life. Then he smiles at me and my thought bubble bursts. That said, he's a year old and I have seen him from a 'useless' swaddled baby to one who could inflict pain on my fierce yorkie because he has learnt to WALK. And that is how I know this year has passed incredibly fast.

I travelled this year, to Taiwan with J, Hcmc, HK and upcoming Hanoi in December with my mom & Dad and yet it does not seem enough. It seems as though I am constantly chasing for holidays and breaks to get away from 'work'. That probably does not reflect very well on how I see work - if all I want to do is get away from it. J is also working, thankfully because the work employment climate is a bitch nowadays. He begs to differ but his workplace is x100 more rewarding than mine. That is for another post altogether. ;) 

Its almost midnight and this old fogie needs to get to bed lollll to wake up at 630am so that I can get out of the house and be the first few in line at the clinic. That is another sign of a mundane 'adult' life; to be the first at the doctor's clinic. 

Till the next one. 
x I PROMISE, to myself, to keep this regular. 

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