
Monday, May 29, 2017

26. 5 Months Later....

Oh gosh, it has been a long while since I've last written on this platform. Though I am 100% certain no one is going to read this post, I decided I would come back and periodically update this space because I somehow chanced upon my older posts and older blogs and re-read a large portion of my life in words from 2014 to where I stopped, last year (2016). I smiled, frowned and laughed at some of the content and I realized how great it is to look back and see how the years have changed me as a person.

I guess when I am older, I will be able to look back at these posts and be thankful and reminisce on the type of feelings I had at a certain point in time...
Fast forward May 2017. A ton of things have changed, and maybe I'll get everyone (or just future me) up to speed.

- I gained weight, LOL I don't know why this is the first thing that came to my mind but yes, I am significantly larger than I was in 2014 and demoralizing as it is, I am trying to better myself, get fitter and more toned. Also to care less of the numbers on the scale. It is extremely hard for someone like me with ZERO, 0, discipline to stick to a routine so I often start and stop almost 1-2 weeks in. Praying that this time somethings sticks.

- I am no longer working at my previous workplace. I shan't elaborate on a public platform why but those who are interested; ya'll know social media has private DMs and such. I have been working for NUS since the beginning of March and it's been a whirlwind in the best and worst ways possible. Being a working 'adult' demands so much more energy and time than university ever did to me. My time out of work is so precious now and I finally get why TGIF is such a humongous movement. I am basically a sloth because 80% of the time, my work requires me to be in the office. If PE was what kept me fit in school, I don't have the luxury of that forced-physical activity thus, weight gain rapidly. I've been to more stats courses than I would ever imagine myself taking, if you asked uni-gwyn if she thought it was possible she'd laugh at you. Life works in weird ways. I have also come to the conclusion that no matter where you go, there is always one co-worker that pisses you off and there's nothing you can do to avoid them; just breathe. I could do an entire other post or essay on being a working adult ....

- J and I are still going strong and he's my pillar of strength and the one person who helps to keep me grounded and sane. I don't think I could deal with myself if I were a guy... I am forever and always thankful for all he has done for me.

- I am an aunty! My elder sister gave birth to a cute potato of a boy in November last year and he is just the centre of everyone's attention. He brings light and life into the eyes of my grandfather, my parents and even my dog's excited. Cookie was apprehensive at first but now she just wants to lick his face to the added dismay and confusion of the baby.

- My friends are still scattered all across the globe and it still gets lonely. What's new.

I guess for now, these will do. Here's a promise to myself, to keep this space updated.


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