
Monday, October 5, 2015

10. First Trimester As A Honours Student

Today I'll be blogging a short one about my experience as a honours student, well, just the first 3 months of an experience. I'm not going to bore you with the technicalities, every university is different and thus, these are just my personal feelings & thoughts.

It's been a slow whirlwind (I say slow, and you'll soon realize why) in school the past couple of months. I was overjoyed when I got the email in my last term break, notifying me that I got into the Honours program for my Psychology course (there are certain requirements you have to meet - e.g Distinctions for 5 level 3 subjects and statistics modules) I was HYPED. I couldn't wait to start lectures again, learn new things, plan my thesis topic. . . . .

I couldn't be more wrong about the exciting bit.

It was quite a drag. I only had 2 modules, ethics being compulsory. I had a hard time choosing the second module. It was a case of 1. hmm I like that module but the lecturer is a pain, 2. damn if I went for this module it's supposedly easy to score but sounds iffy as hell and 3. i guess this module is cool cause i've got friends. I ended up taking Time Perception - whuuuut - by myself - whuuuuuuut. It was a cool field of study, something that you wouldn't get to learn elsewhere. Also, no exams. Seeing as ethics was a dry and heavy topic, I didn't want to weigh myself down with two exams. I also managed to make a couple new friends which is a plus point :)

Nonetheless, I didn't know having 2 modules instead of the usual 4 could have that much of a toll on me. With the luxury of so much time on my hands, I could do anything !!! Get an internship, part time job, exercise and actually stick to a proper regime, read a dozen or more books, travel..... alas none of that happened (Except only a week of workout and a fraction of a dozen books were read).
I didn't know what to do with all the time I had. It was so confusing, I was begging for work to be given to me.


Even whilst studying for the ethics exam, I was relaxed; I finished my notes and sat around idling through the likes of youtube and tumblr. It was so unproductive for my brain and although everything was done on time, I still felt so very restless and useless..

I was in such a rut. Having multiple assignments due every other week when I had 4 modules and 4 exams to sit for during the previous 6 semesters before embarking on my Honours journey prepared me for a semester even crazier than that. I was wrong... I know I'd regret complaining of being free when the next two semesters come round, when I'll camp in school collecting data and finish off a 15,000 word thesis. But at that time, it was weird being so free and I felt like this everyday:

I had no direction! Its scary that I'm almost graduating and I have no idea what to do with my life yet. That'll be a topic for another blogpost......... my existential crisis *sad laugh*.

Now with the start of the holidays I'm excited as to what the next month has in store for me! I even got a critique and a thesis to work on but hey, a break's a break for a reason. Got a staycation coming up later this week & will be blogging about that too : )

Stay tuned,

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