
Monday, November 16, 2015

13. Is Working Out, Working Out? (Macritchie Tree Top Walk)

Punny title ^ Hahaha.
I shall cut to the chase.
Me and the boyfriend have been wanting to go on the Macritchie tree top walk for the longest time, since mid-Oct and finally after the haze has subsided and finally finding a day that the morning would not consist of thunderstorms, we went last Friday morning. Didn't take much pictures, we were either too exhausted or concentrating on negotiating the walk.

I woke up at an early 7:40am. We reached Venus Drive car park at around 8:40am and started the walk at 8:50am after applying sunblock, insect repellent, eating breakfast (I made overnight oats! Way too much oats..) and whatnot. There is a plethora of blog posts out there detailing how to get to the tree top walk from the car park so this is more of my thoughts and experiences :) Its free parking so if you have a car, or can borrow one PLEASE DRIVE! I'm sure your legs would thank you after the exercise.

We took it slow and reached the tree top walk in an hour-ish? It was a literal uphill battle to the tree top walk towards the end I was thinking aloud, 'this has better be worth it'. Its no surprise I'm not the fittest person around. We got to the top and it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g...... the breeze, the sights and not to mention how high up you were really rendered the past hour worth the sweat! Towards the middle of the bridge,ain't going to lie, it got pretty scary. The bridge also sways a little. The scenery and surroundings definitely made up for it.

On our way back to the Venus Drive car park (its a one-way road, so you walk back the same way you did up), we noticed the grey clouds gathering and the weather being too cool to be true. It started pouring and luckily, there was a hut nearby. We waited and decided to use our ponchos once the rain was less cats and dogs. I love the rain, I think I wouldn't have done this walk in such pleasure if it was the afternoon sun. It was so cooling :) My boyfriend begged to differ. He prefers the heat. I was happy nonetheless.

We made it back to the car in 45-ish minutes, faster than the hour it took us to get up. It started to pour as we were at the last 300m heh. I strongly recommend this to everyone out there. Even those who hate physical activity, it isn't running which I dislike (but there were so many fit individuals running on our way) and you can go at your own pace. I've recently been following Anna Saccone's workouts (1) (2) on youtube and I'm glad because they probably prepared me for today's walk.

Must-bring: water, food(beware of monkeys although we did not come across any), insect repellent, sunblock, ponchos.

Although it only took 2 hours, it isn't a 'breeze', and there's even a 4-6 hour one with a much longer route. You could even walk to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, 21km away HAHA. That is hashtag, #toointense for me. I honestly wouldn't mind going again to check out the Jelutong tower that's a little further off from the tree top walk. With my grandmother's recent hospitalization, it has spurred me to be a lil more active and do things that although little, will go a long way :)

My new semester starts this week but I've been to school the past two weeks, conducting my study on first year students. I'm only about 1/4 of the way there in terms of participants :( Soldier on I will!

Till next time,